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Nuclear power plant in Japan moves radioactive water to facilitate damage control for Typhoon Francisco.

Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant is bracing itself for Typhoon Francisco, set to hit the country this weekend, by quickly securing new storage space for contamin...

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The Curious Case of The Dogs in The Highrise Towers

It’s been since 1989 in one of the upper end high middle class towers in Mumbai, where I have resided on and off over the years, that I have shared a sort of secret l...

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Gravity Review

The overview effect is described as the phenomenon astronauts experience when looking back at the earth from space. It is described to inspire an enormous sense of awe at t...

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Courting' controversy

India has been witnessing a rising trend of judicial intervention and directives in cases involving a face-off between large institutional project...

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Worldwide Geoengineering Conference

After having listened to the scientists and examined the research on the destruction that Weather M...

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Do We Know What Our Children Want?

"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place."

J.K. Rowling


Over the last one century or so, ordin...

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How To Share The Planet With Artificial Intelligence

Human-level intelligence is familiar in biological hardware—you’re using it now. Science and technology seem to be converging, from several directions, on the p...

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